We have answers


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct primary care is Advanced Primary Care provided by independant doctors who focus on complete care and value for their patients. We know we can do this without the middleman, so no insurance companies. Turns out when we don't bill insurance, costs actually go down. Way down. And, we get to focus on providing the best care, because we only work for you. Fully transparent, you'll know exactly how much that care costs. And we think you'll be surprised. Great care is surprisingly affordable.

Do you accept my insurance?

No, we do not bill any insurance plans. If you have health insurance you can use it for outside services that are not part of your membership, like labs, imaging, vaccines or visits with specialists. We recommend you call your insurance to see if those services are covered.

If I have insurance, why should I join?

Because we are an exceptional team who will take great care of you. We are a part of your community and take the time to get to know you. We promise to focus on what is valuable to you- easy access, transparent pricing, and highest quality, personalized care.

Give us a try, you'll like us.

What is covered? Does anything cost extra?

Your IFC membership includes access to your family doctor, an annual physical, all office and virtual visits, access to our texting app, Spruce and discounted cash based prices for labs, vaccines and imaging. We charge extra (usually about $40) for procedures such as biopsies.  See What’s Included page.

Do I pay my membership fee annually? What if I want to quit?

You have the option to pay monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually.   We do ask for a one year commitment. View our pricing.

What if I need to see a specialist or go to the hospital?

If it's a true emergency, call 911, or go to the emergency room. We are not affiliated with any specific hospital system but we can obtain records from any local hospital and care for you afterwards.

If it's something urgent but not life threatening, call us first. We may be able to see you right away, and save you a trip.

If you need a specialist, we can refer you to any hospital network or independent practitioner and stay in close touch with that physician. If you are paying out of pocket, there may be cash based pricing for you. If you want to use insurance for those services, you can do so.

Can you take care of me if I’m out of town?

When our patients are traveling, they often call on us for help with sudden illness or injury, or for forgotten meds.  We can order labs and send prescriptions, and have virtual visits.  Sometimes we may say you really need to see someone locally for more urgent care.

Can I use my HSA/FSA to pay the membership fee?

Most of our patients do, but you will need to check with your HSA/FSA provider.

Can I meet with the doctor before I commit to the membership?

We can take a few minute call if you have specific questions. Another great option is to watch our video or read our Google reviews to see what others say about us.

So you guys see kids and adults? What is the difference between a family doctor and an internist, or a pediatrician?

Dr. Mechley and Dr. Glass are board certified Family Medicine physicians. We are uniquely trained specialists in caring for the entire family: from newborn care through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, even through end-of-life care. An internist provides care for adults only, a pediatrician for kids only, whereas we care for all ages. We have additional training in basic dermatology, gynecology, and office procedures, giving your family multiple resources right in our office.

What should I expect on my first visit? What about my old medical records?

All new patient’s complete a New Patient Appointment. This is usually done virtually. This virtual visit is a 30 minute call to go over your health history with the provider. After this appointment, Dr. Mechley or Dr. Glass will advise you on next steps including placing orders for annual well lab work and advising you on when they’d like to see you in the office next.

At the New Patient Appointment we will discuss with you where your previous care was provided and how we prefer to get records from that provider.

Can your doctors manage mental health medications and/or prescribe controlled substances?

Determined on a case by case basis.

What is the difference between Concierge Medicine and Direct Primary Care?

Concierge practices often bill your insurance, as well as charging you an annual or monthly fee. We never bill insurance, so no co-pays! This is how we save you money. This allows us to keep our overhead low, which keeps our prices low for everyone, no matter what insurance you have. This also allows access for people with minimal or no insurance.

I used to see a doctor for Functional Medicine, can you do this? or an Integrative Medicine consult?

We do not do functional medicine testing or integrative medicine consults. Many patients who ask this question have a specific health concern they want addressed. We make a great fit for someone interested in partnering with their doctor for long term care, not to manage a specific symptom or ailment. Our experience is that the basics of whole health - nutrition, movement and emotional health, create the best foundation for our care. We do not routinely do advanced testing which is not clinically sound or use excessive supplements in our care.

What are your recommendations about vaccines?

Integrated Family Care is a vaccinating practice. This means that we believe in the evidence based guidelines on vaccines published by The American Academy of Pediatrics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Subsequently, we recommend that all of our patients follow the published standard guidelines. As a patient-centered practice, we will always help address your concerns, as long as we can protect our patients from diseases that may imminently threaten them or other patients with whom they are in contact.

Do you have a question?

Drop us a line through our contact form and we’ll get back with you!